i travel not to go anywhere, but to go. i travel for travel's sake.

the great affair is to move.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Alma: the librarian

We have started school again! Ok, well this announcement is a week old…but its coming to ya sooner than some other stuff I have to write you all about. But, I’ll just get to that later when I am looking to procrastinate more on my homework.

My new teacher’s name is Alma. It is quite a different environment having a female teacher now compared to a male one. Alma is 74 (the oldest teacher at CLM) and also super cute. She always is dressed up in dresses, that she has tailored for her, and looks like a sweet old librarian. Conversations between Guillermo and I would often be filled with talk of politics, history and justice. Now however, our conversations revolve around education (the theme for the paper I have to write) and differences between now and then. Especially when it comes to love. Last class she had been telling me about her boyfriend and how different lovers acted back in the day compared to now. She sure had some sweet stories. On Monday she is bringing me pictures from her wedding. I bet she was so beautiful. I am excited to see them.

Which reminds me, she is so thoughtful, she is always bringing me things! Depending on conversations we will have or themes that will come up- she always knows some article or book with more information. She then brings the information the next day for me to read on my spare time. (which I have been lacking lately) one day we were talking about fruits and I told her that previous to this trip, I had only known of one kind of mango. And, the mango has become one of my favorite fruits! It is so delicious. Well, the next day what does she do?? She bought me two mangos of a kind I haven’t had yet…and they were delicious!!! And the most fun fruit I have ever eaten. What you do is you squish up the mango with your hands. You basically make it nice and juicy on the inside. Then you bite into the top just a bit and squeeze all the juice out.

It is so messy, so delicious, and so fun!!!

I am going to have to take a trip to the market to buy more of those. They are like pieces of heaven on earth.

1 comment:

  1. heaven on earth is a mess. thanks for sharing with me. twice.
