i travel not to go anywhere, but to go. i travel for travel's sake.

the great affair is to move.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the joy of education and parasitic creatures

This past week has been crazy busy. Let me start by explaining a typical day in the life of laura:

7:05 alarm clock goes off
7:10 still in bed
7:14 jumping out of bed, rush to put on clothes and run downstairs
7:15 breakfast with the other housemates
7:30 done with breakfast and grab things to leave for school
7:40 walk to school….which I actually know how to get to now!
7:55 meet in the library, group prayer and announcements before school starts
8-12 class with Guillermo
            A coffee and sweet bread break 10-10:30
1:00 lunch with housemates
Free time for homework, visiting the market, interviewing people, internet access, rest
6:00 supper with housemates
Free time for all the above mentioned activities
10:00 curfew

Also included, is every Tuesday we have a group Bible study from 4-5:30

While this schedule is all fine and dandy for when we have classes….last week the University decided we needed some more education time.

Well, not necessarily so….but last week we were graced with the presence of Dr. Zalanga, a professor at Bethel. All of the students in the group are taking a class of his during our time here. He was here for one week to give us our lectures for the entire semester. We are taking a class on Economic Development with a focus on the development of 3 world countries, not only Guate, but around the world. Although, it does make learning so much more interesting when we can see examples and compare situations to the country we are directly living in. Because of this class, I am seeing the impact that many actions the USA has had on the economies of other countries, and as a consequence the lives of the people living there, especially the poor. I am struggling in understanding my role in this situation…now that I know of all the inequality, what’s my role in changing it? How can I impact this for the good? What is the answer to all the poverty, malnutrition, homelessness and illiteracy caused by some of these decisions?

Dr. Zalanga is one of the smartest people I know, and the great thing is he doesn’t make me feel stupid. Everything he explains, makes complete sense. And while I have never exhibited a burning desire for economics, I found myself at the edge of my seat during his lectures.
(Random thought: I would love to invade his library and documentary collection.)

Although, no matter how awesome someone makes a class, being able to see the sun outside makes sitting for that long a bit rough.

Also, one thing that made it a bit rough was that this past week I was sick. (for your benefit I will not go into details) On and off stomach issues…my program coordinator thought I may have a parasite. Fortunately I am feeling better, so hopefully I am in the clear from that. I would not enjoy a parasite. Eww. Gross.

So….add to the schedule before: class from 3-5:30. And add 6 hours of class all day Saturday, we only got a break for lunch.

All I have to say to that is….

Thank goodness I enjoy learning.

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