i travel not to go anywhere, but to go. i travel for travel's sake.

the great affair is to move.

Thursday, March 31, 2011



Ok, so I know I am EXTREMELY behind on updating this thing. But I have good reason for that. Not only am I in a foreign am country…but I also a student who lacks access to internet and an excess amount of homework. And I guess there’s one more thing…I have good news and bad news for all y’all: It seems like whenever I would go to update my life…I would remember some other sort of homework I had to go do and finish. BUT I have been making a list of everything that I need to write about so I don’t forget everything. That’s the good news. Now for the bad news….so this list I made in a word document on my computer. (I know you probably wonder where I am going with this.) And some of the recent tragedy in my life involves my computer. It died.
That’s it. Caput. It tossed its cookies and never lived to tell the tale.

I guess it lived a good life. Unfortunately in its last stand it decided to take all my documents and pictures with it.

Luckily Mateo works at the SI office. Computers bow before him. Well, Mateo performed surgery on my computer…and was able to save some things. Some of my documents and pictures were saved, however a lot were lost. It was a tiring and gruesome battle.

While at the beginning this was tragic news for me. (and I guess it still kind of is) I am deciding to look on the bright side of things.

  1. Now I get to exercise my memory and remember all of the things I have to blog about.
  2. I get to buy a new computer!
  3. I get to take more pictures again and try to revisit old memories.
  4. I have a story to tell.
  5. I won’t have to worry about hauling my computer home.
  6. I can maybe (???) get some new computer money from selling parts of my old one.
  7. Hmmmm….i think it’s kinda hard to find the silver lining just yet.

It’ll come though. But until then I will be brainstorming and doing my best to recall all of the wonderful and life changing things that occur in the BEAU-tiful country of Guate.

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