i travel not to go anywhere, but to go. i travel for travel's sake.

the great affair is to move.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Guatemala: Un pais de amor

i have never seen so much love exist in the hearts of a people. it is absolutely awesome. i know of the typical "minnesota nice" but here in guatemala its "we all love and respect each other guatemala." ok, after rereading that, it doesn't make sense....but whatever. I absolutely love walking down the street and greeting "good morning, afternoon or evening" to every person i meet. When you enter a room you always ask "con permiso?" and when leaving you are always left with at least 3 of the following: "may God bless you, thank you, have a good rest, and what a great meal." There is so much respect and love in this country, in the hearts of its people.

Take Mama Ingrid for example. She is my host mom and a wonderful woman. She can talk for hours (literally) entertaining us with stories of her adventures. It is absolutely hilarious to listen too...she has the memory of an elephant. But the most touching is how she has opened up her home, heart and familiy to us. She has not failed to mention multiple times what a blessing it is having us in her house, how she prays for each and every one of her Bethel students and how they will always have a place in her heart. There is a peace about her that makes you feel at home, which she says is open to us whenever we shall please. "Aqui las puertas estan abiertas." This woman also helped found Students International, she is a wonderful wonderful servant of God.

Also, Nineth is my site leader. This woman has one of the largest hearts I know. Everyday she works as a volunteer at the hospital, Hermano Pedro. This woman knows every single patient, doctor and nurse by name....and spreads God's love to every single one of them. It is amazing to see. She has such a good reputation at the hospital that when me and the other Bethel students went to the office to complete our volunteer paperwork and get our IDs, the head hauncho of the office told the lady doing our paperwork that we have full access to ANY area of the hospital....all other volunteers are limited to one section. It is so good to see how great God's love is when it comes to working miracles.

Which brings me to the hospital....what an emotional experience, but i guess i was warned. Many of the patients there have mental or physical disabilities, most both. Some have family that come and visit but the majority were abandoned when they were little. This hospital has separate sections for grandpas, grandmas, ladies, men, girls, boys and babies. Some have been in the hospital for 20 years. The hospital is actually inside a church that is so large it stretches for one block x one block. There are monks that live on the second floor....that's an experience I don't see very often.

So far, I have not worked very much in the hospital. The first day, we had a tour and then got to help the nurses with lunch. I fed Carlitos.....I don't know wear more food ended up, in his mouth or around it. It is messy business feeding kids, but I hope I'll get better. What I have been doing lately is making decorations and nametags to go on the walls of the room for the ladies. Otherwise the walls are bare and it is very gloomy. Now it will be more like a home for them. I am excited to see their faces when they see their new disney princess decorations and all the brillantina (glitter) we have been using for them. However, it makes me want to watch the disney movies really bad.

Wow, I have written a lot. I am sorry for all of those who actually read all the way through this....I can only imagine you are sick of all the details. Well, I will just have to write more often....because like I tell Greta "We are going to want to remember this in 5 years!!" so we are taking pictures of everything. Next time I shall write of the chicken buses....now that's an interesting experience........ :)

Besos para todos,

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